Thursday, March 31, 2005

The bitch died!

Yay! Terri Schaivo is fucking dead! Yay! Sing it from the highest fucking peak!

I don't have much to say about the vegetable bitch dying, other than describing how amazingly happy and uplifted I felt when I heard the news today at work. Not only did the bitch die, but I had the opportunity to laugh in one of my religious co-worker's faces about it when they told me in their little "sad christian" tone of voice that Terri Schaivo was in fact no more. I was beginning to think that an individual death no longer had the power to make my day, but I was wrong. Sometimes, just a single death is all it takes to make the world a better place, and today the world has improved by at least an entire vegetable garden. One down, 5.5 billion to go.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Let the bitch die!

Terri Schiavo. Sigh. Why is it that every time those mouth-breathing fucktards from the Republican religious right come up with some new idiotic non-issue to waste our collective lives with, the Democrats and other thinking people always end up looking like they are the ones in a persistent vegitative state? I'd just like to say, for the record, that there is at least one person on this planet who not only doesn't care if Terri Schiavo suffers, but who actually hopes she does suffer. I hope she is totally fucking aware of every bit of bullshit going on around her. I hope that, secretly, in her gelatinous mind, she has renounced her faith and put some kind of evil hex upon every person who has tried to interfere with her pathetic existence. I think the dude who does the "Get Your War On" comics at said it best in one of his most recent strips...

Glassy-eyed, no cognitive ability, persistent vegatative state. Poor Terri Schiavo -- the unwitting personification of the Christian right. Except she's not a disgusting hypocrite.

Sheer genius. So why are you staring at this shit page when you could be off reading the whole masterpiece.