Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A cheap and effective solution to lower back pain caused by sitting.

Picture of Nada Chair Back-Up
I have been working on computers full time for over 15 years now, and suffering from related back pain for about 9 years. In that time I have literally tried every ergonomic chair on the market. Okay, there are a few I haven't tried due to not being able to find them in a showroom, but here's a short list of what I've tried in recent memory...

This post has been moved to my new Ergonomic Reviews blog. Check out the full post here:


Blogger weasel said...

Hey, cool beans! Very glad you've got something that works for you at last. Hope to see you wearing it at the poker gome this weekend.

1:29 PM  
Blogger weasel said...

Strange, my comment only shows up if I try to post another comment. Ya got the 'need approval' option turned on or something?

12:25 PM  
Blogger weasel said...

Ah, well even though i tried refreshing the pageseveral times before making that last comment, I am now seeing both my comments and expect to see this one show up as well.

Too bad you missed the poker game. Wanted a chance to see the Nada in person. Ah well, maybe next time we frag some n00bs in CS...

12:31 PM  
Blogger minorgod said...

Nope, no moderation, but seems to suffer from caching issues. Same thing when you post a new article...I often have to do a "shift-reload" to see a new post. You could also append some random querystring such as "?randomtime" to the URL, just to make sure you're not seeing a cached page. This whole site is run off a template system similar to the "Smarty" template system which is probably designed to compile the scripts once and serve the compiled templates from a temp dir on the server, and (though I don't see how a Google programmer could ever make a mistake) it appears they could stand to tweak things.

9:39 PM  
Blogger minorgod said...

Sorry I didn't make the game, but I got absorbed in a new programming project. I've resurrected my PHPLive Free Desktop application. I had a false start when I did the first version...I was so happy I got the UI issues figured out that I never got around to understaing the AMFPHP system enough to finish the application. I spent all weekend using brute-force stubbornness to get things going. Now I'm through the worst of the learning curve and I can get on with my redisovery of OO programming. I'm so used to writing procedural script code that it took me a full 3-day weekend to get my bearings again with writing classes. I'm doing it in both PHP4 and Flash ActionScript2, and despite the excellent php web site I've had a hard time finding answers to questions about things like using #include in classes. I just can't fucking understand why the FUCK you can't include a file with a bunch of variable (property) declarations in your class. PHP just can't handle it, but it took me most of a day to figure that out because I'm debugging a flash movie that is calling the PHP classes on the server through a PHP serializer/deserializer that let's Flash and PHP pass objects back and forth and translates them back and forth between their native formats. After about 14 hours of high blood pressure, I finally discovered a crucial debugging class that is barely mentioned on the AMFPHP web site. I'm now using it to figure this shit out.

Laura's here, gotta go.

9:55 PM  

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